The Three Keys of Phase Six

Native speakers in each of our supported languages ensure quality from first draft to final edit. Phase Six doesn’t promote “grades” or “scales” of translation, because we never compromise when it comes to quality.

Whether it be a script, song lyrics, or a company website, all translations have a story to tell. Swapping words from one language to the next won’t bring your tale to the world. Our translations faithfully represent the intent of the source material, allowing a global audience to share the excitement.

To serve clients from many different industries, we make a point of providing quality work at competitive rates. We don’t charge extra for bells and whistles; just excellent service at accessible prices. Reach out to us, and we’ll get back to you with an estimate.
Phase Six works with
restaurants and luxury hotels
Phase Six provides language support to Hotel Chinzanso Toyko,
the renowned Japanese brand luxury hotel.
With translations of Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo’s historically and culturally rich array of stay plans,
special menus, and unique activities, the work of Phase Six helps to convey
the traditional beauty and daily activities of the hotel to a wide range of international audiences.
Our Services

Manga to Movies, Games,
Animation and More
With projects ranging from the forefront of popular culture to Japan’s most prestigious tradition and history,
we offer language support and content production to our clients that connect Japan with the world,
allowing people around the globe to share in the same exhilaration.